It's one month to the day since Sir Walter and I arrived back in
Tucson. A whole month. Hard for me to believe. Seems like just
yesterday we rode up the Rillito to Riverbend Stables.
The logistics of re-entry were more challenging than I had planned for, and
I spent the first 2 weeks camping out in the boarders' "bathroom
trailer" (Thank you Jan!) while searching the ads for cheap trucks,
rentals and jobs.
But with the help of friends and family (Thank you Becky!) (Thank you
Mom and Dad!), I soon had a loaner car to use and in short order
landed truck, rental and soon-to-start job. *Whew!*
So much for practical concerns... the emotional and mental re-entry is
another matter entirely. Too big a subject for this short post.
Which brings me to...
New blog?
I am considering retiring this blog and starting another one for life
after the rides, or between rides, whatever. I'd post a link to it
somewhere on this one. Havent decided for sure, so if any of you
reading have thoughts on the matter your comments are welcomed...
Also, I suspect the ride will find its way into some sort of written
and/or visual creation down the line. If you'd like to be on a mailing
list for occasional updates, please send me your email by clicking the
"CONTACT" tab at the top of this web page and following the
directions. Be sure and put "MULE MAILING LIST" in the subject line, so I know it's not spam. Thanks!
And do check back often, as I intend to get a computer sometime within
the next few paychecks and will begin posting again soon.
Be well and enjoy the change of season, my friends.