Saturday, April 21, 2012


Everything is in limbo while we wait.

The swelling is way down on Butch's left hind, but the hairless area has become a moist, lightly oozing wound, and I can tell now it is most likely a rope burn. When I hobbled him to a tree on the last ride, there was a stake hidden in the long grass that he got the poly rope hung up on. His left hind was only caught for a moment, but he did jerk it, and I think that one-second jerk is what caused both the burn and the leg strain. I was afraid the situation was much more serious, but thankfully it appears the stocking up (swelling) is only due to a mild injury, healing quickly. Butch is feeling fine now, bored, making mischief and playing with the gate. He's putting full wieght on his foot. No limp at all. Right now I'm more concerned about the burn.

So I treat him 3x/day with exercise (leading down the road), meds and 20 minutes of hosing, and wait... and watch... and wait.

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