Monday, May 7, 2012

slowly is okay

This is the process as of yesterday, 5/6/12.  It's been 19 days since Butch got burned on his left hind by the polyester rope.  Now treating it with vetrymicin, preparation H, corona, and swat. Irrigating 1-2x/day. Been walking him in hand every day for exercise.

The vet checked on him Friday, and says he is okay now for light riding. So I've begun that. Butch's pastern still stocks up a bit after being ridden, but not nearly as much as before. And he's still very tender, but again, not nearly as much as even a week ago.  The reason we're taking it so slowly is that due to the location and depth of the injury, it's very important the burn heal from the inside out, with as little scar tissue as possible and with good healthy elastic repair keeping him flexible and sound.

The observant reader might notice Butch is barefoot.  His farrier was out yesterday.  He's grown out of the bad trim of 9 months ago, pretty balanced now, so I'll be working on hardening up his hooves again. Butch has the classic good hard mule feet and farrier says it shouldn't take long, once Butch is back on a build-up riding regimen.

Personal note: over the shock of being back home early with injured animal... beginning to catch up on correspondence with trail angels, new friends... pics on blog, artwork, etc. ... and finally able to enjoy seeing old friends and family while I can.  Not knowing what the summer will bring. And isn't that the way it should always be? Appreciating the gifts of the present moment, no matter the past or uncertainties of the future.

I know it's a cliche, don't mean to sound like a Hallmark card. But having ridden an emotional roller coaster since returning, I have come to rest at the balance with my own unadorned face staring back at me from the mirror, aware that I can laugh about it, cry about it, whine or joke, feel guilty, furious, grateful, scared, relieved, stupid, brilliant, anxious to go again or resigned... none of that changes what happened or where we are now. And it was a grand first try!   


  1. You bet it was a grand first try! You have already accomplished what many of us still only dream! You are courageous and creative. I would be honored to ride with you anytime.

  2. Thank you Marcie... maybe the next go-round!... kt


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