Butch's burn has finally closed up. I still put Corona on it a few days a week to keep the scar soft. Here are pics:
Battle scar to show off to the babes!
While the Butchenator was recovering, I had events on the home front that kept me out of the saddle for the better part of 6 weeks. We both turned into a couple of marshmallows. About two weeks ago, took Mr Mule out for the first off-property ride since early June. We took a short loop across the river, along the bridle path, down and back, about a mile. He was sweating! Couldn't believe it. And I was a little stiff myself, couldn't believe that either. Yikes. Doesn't take long to lose tone.
This is him a month ago:
Asking for the remote and a beer, no doubt. He's just soft though, not fat.
No pics of me, sorry. Use your imagination.
...Hey... I'm not that out of shape!!
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