Monday, September 23, 2013

grooming for mule and human

Walter's shoes aren't wearing out because they have diamond-hard
Drilltek welded on. But that doesn't keep his hooves from growing. So
yesterday, Walter got his mule pedicure.

Tony N, (the farrier father of Mindy, who adjusted Walter) came out
and pulled the shoes off, trimmed Walter's feet, and nailed the shoes
back on. Walter's hooves look great and seem more even now.

And Saturday, I got my own grooming upkeep - a haircut & styling at
Crazy Beautiful Hair Salon (love that name!) donated by hairstylist
Kirsty Forrest, Sondra's grandaughter. Kirsty gave me a great cut and
styled it so pretty I tried to think of places I could go to show it
off. It was Saturday night, after all!

This mule & human maintenance being done now in preparation for the
last bit of riding into Tucson and reentry into "normal" life.

Ummm.... normal. Right. LOL

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