Sunday, August 11, 2013

Friday 8/09 - setback

The thursday night storm never materialized. It rained some, a bit of wind,
distant thunder and attendant flashes lighting up the clouds, but
nothing like the previous night's
spectacular show.

Woke to a nice cool morning. Perfect day for a ride. Walter brayed
anxiously from his pen the minute I stepped out of the camper. Then he
disappeared from view - pacing, I was sure, since TK was on the other
side of the shed. I grabbed a small flake of hay to keep him busy
while I had my coffee. When I went to toss it over the fence, sure
enough, there he was tracking back and forth compulsively, looking for
the mare.

Step to the right...

Step to the left...

After breakfast I brought Walter out and tied him to the post for his
morning groom and grain before saddling up. First part of the grooming
is routine doctoring of what's left of his cuts - now just one small

I ran my hand down his left hind leg. Wait a minute...

Swelling. Heat. His entire ankle, the pastern and
joint, was inflamed again. Damn, damn, damn.

Apparently Walter had spent most of the night pacing back and forth,
twisting his healing ankle with each turn. I knew he'd walk the fence
- how could I have been so stupid?

I hosed his foot for 20 minutes, doctored it and turned my neurotic
little mule out to pasture. I watched him amble off, furious at myself
and consumed with guilt.

find your partner, doe-see-doe

I spent all day watching Walter for any signs of lameness (there were
none), morosely contemplating what this setback might say about his
ability to handle the rigors of the road.

(As it turned out, the inflammation took two days to go down, but it
did go down, and Walter and I were able to ride out again on Sunday

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