Wednesday, August 7, 2013

prep day 5

Worked up to riding Walter 4.25 miles today.

I know the milage because the farm roads here are laid out on a grid,
exactly one mile apart. Quite handy for conditioning regimen purposes.

Walter did great, even trotting and loping a bit. It was hot but he
only sweated under the saddle blanket. Tonight his foot is good, no
heat or swelling.
I'm getting desperate to find a farrier, though. Cant believe nobody
seems to know any! Except the one guy most locals use, who says he
wont do mules.
With this much trouble finding a mule farrier, I hate to think how
hard it might be to find one who has borium and knows how to weld it
on. In the meantime Walt's hooves
are getting longer and longer...

Yet how great to have that be my only concern!
Considering only 10 days ago, I was resigned to this ride likely being
over and simply praying for little Sir Walter to heal up sound.

Now there he is out at pasture, rolling and playing after a good day's ride.

Makes a person smile.

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