Monday, May 20, 2013


Long day, maybe 20 miles or more. Mary B. surprised me on the road
late in the day, small figure in the distance next to truck waving
arms yelling "katie! katie!"
We were so tired- what a cheerful and weloming sight! Tornado storm
moving in, she called friend Dewayne who manages rodeo and found us
not only shelter, but food and feed courtesy of Dewayne.

Tonight at the empty rodeo grounds near tiny Allen Point, Walter in
catch pens and me in old cowboy clubhouse. all around are green
pastures, grazing horses. Swallows nesting under porch eaves dipping
and gliding. Sky overcast, muggy, breeze. First lightning strike of
approaching storm illuminates the darkening horizon.

I feel a peace so deep
it could be my first day on earth, or the last.


  1. Looks like you and Sir Walter are doing well!

  2. Beautifully phrased my friend:

    I feel a peace so deep
    it could be my first day on earth, or the last.


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